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Cloud Native Custom Plugin Example: envoy-extproc-method-conv-demo-go

Envoy-extproc-method-conv-demo-go is an example based on envoy-extproc-sdk-go, demonstrating how to use the ext_proc feature provided by Envoy in Go.


Its main function is to convert GET/POST requests initiated by the downstream into POST/GET requests before sending them to the upstream, thereby achieving the purpose of request method conversion.


  • Install Envoy (Version >= v1.29)
  • Install Go (Version >= v1.21), this step can be skipped if you just want to run it
  • A target service supporting HTTP Method: GET/POST (hereinafter referred to as Upstream), assuming it supports the following routes:

    • /*
    • /no-extproc


Navigate to the project root directory (this step can be skipped if you just want to run it).

go build . -o extproc


  • Envoy:

    envoy -c ./envoy.yaml 
  • Caching:

    • Bare Metal:

      ./extproc method-conv --log-stream --log-phases
    • k8s:

      kubectl apply -f ./deployment.yaml 
  • Curl

    curl -XPOST  

Parameter Description

  • log-stream: Whether to output logs about the request/response stream
  • log-phases: Whether to output logs for each processing phase
  • update-extproc-header: Whether to add the name of this plugin in the response header
  • update-duration-header: Add the total processing time in the response header when the stream ends

All of the above parameters default to false.


  1. This example only supports conversion between HTTP Methods: GET and POST.

  2. The allow_all_routing in mutation_rules must be set to true , as shown in the red box in the image below:

    Add Custom Attribute
